Take Part in the Arcjet Security Challenge!

Try us out using one of our skeleton apps, and let us know what you think!

🔐   At Arcjet, our goal is to help developers protect their apps in just a few lines of code. Right now, you can implement rate limiting, bot protection, email verification & defend against common attacks. And there's more to come.

💸   It's free! Best of all, the current features available today will always be unmetered and free to use. We don't want you to incur costs if you are attacked.

🫵   We need you! We need your help though - we need you to try it out and to give us feedback so we can keep making it better!

How to Participate

Select the technology stack you'd like to use for the Arcjet Security Challenge:

  1. Clone the Arcjet Security Challenges repository of skeleton apps
  2. Change into the nextjs directory
  3. Follow the instructions in the README.md file within that directory in order to get the skeleton app running
  4. Sign up for a free Arcjet account
  5. Edit src/pages/arcjet-challenge-accepted/index.tsx and implement Arcjet rate-limiting to set the value of rateLimited to true when the user has been rate limited
  6. Trigger rate limiting by requesting the /arcjet-challenge-accepted route until you reach your defined max number of requests

Share Your Success

We value your insights! Help shape the future of Arcjet by sharing your challenge experience, product feedback, and potentially become an Arcjet ambassador. Your input directly influences our roadmap and community initiatives. Plus, you might get early access to exciting new features!

Security Challenge feedback survey ↗